Sunday, September 21, 2008

No, thanks - I don't need a hand!

I was in the AV section of a well-known, large chain store yesterday, admiring the pictures coming from a bank of plasmas.

Then this young geek came up to me - typical of sales assistants in stores like this - asks all the standard (dumb) questions, but can't respond to the answer.

Him: "Do you need a hand there?"

This question was as superfluous as they come, inferring that I was having difficulty in operating something; when, in reality, I was standing dead still with both hands in my pockets, looking at a Plasma TV!

Me: "No, I'm just looking, thanks."

As self-evident a statement, if ever there was one.

I am never rude to sales assistants, no matter how tempting - I used to be one. I have some sympathy for them. Some, not much.

My answer elicited a look from this dude that could only come from someone who had just been told their souped-up Mitsubishi Lancer had just been broken into.

He didn't say anything. Just gave me this inane look.

He then walked away. As did I.

Why is it that when you want to ask a question you can never find a sales assistant, yet when you only want to browse, they are all over you like a rash?

If anyone can answer that and offer a solution, then they surely deserve the Nobel Prize!

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