When you are driving and approach an intersection with one of these signs, it means you must STOP DRIVING when you reach the intersection, wait three seconds to make sure no other vehicles are crossing left or right, THEN you move off.
This sign does NOT mean you merrily drive through or turn at the intersection without so much as a decrease in speed; nor does it mean you just have to slow down. It means STOP!! 'STOP', for those of you like the moron in a red Landcruiser in front of me this morning who don't know, means to CEASE MOVING!
The abovementioned idiot might like to note that the penalty in NSW for disobeying a Stop sign is a $243 fine and 3 demerit points. (Road Rules 2008Rule 68 (1)).
I have absolutely no patience for drivers who continually flout this most elementary of traffic laws. They should not be on the road.
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