Friday, March 13, 2009

A glass of red to end the week

Yes, it was just one glass. Seriously, I am a very moderate drinker. Most 16-year-olds could drink me under the table!

There was a tiny bit of that rare stuff called 'rain' in Hutchville today. Was nothing really to speak of. I dare say what precipitation we received over the last 24 hours would have barely filled a petrie dish. Still, the grey skies and pretty blue moving pixels on the Bureau's website give one cause for hope of more wet stuff to come.

So, one wonders what tidbits of trivial titillation the weekend papers hold? I will sift through them and deliver very soon via this humble blog, my thoughts.

Stay tuned, also, for a regular feature I am developing, that I plan to blog about at the end of each week. It will have nothing to do with politics, but will be about a specific interest of mine; one I know I share with thousands of others the world over!

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