Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First-year uni students to be taught basic grammar

This story from made me weep.

Australia's Monash University is about to begin teaching its first-year students basic grammar - grammar they should have been taught in school, but weren't. How could they have learnt it in school, when their teachers were just as clueless on the difference between a noun and a verb?

Monash lecturer Caron Dann said the majority of her 500 students in communication were strangers to English grammar.

Marking essays, I discovered the majority had no
idea how to use apostrophes, or any other punctuation for that matter; that
random spelling was in and sentence construction out.
Argh!!!! I could see this coming.......

About half thought plurals were formed
by adding an apostrophe-s, as in apple's and banana's.

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